Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stone Relics guest post

A letter from Detective Sergeant Misty Dunwood to her friend Belle.

Hi Belle,

How are you? Not long to your finals now. Cheer up; I just know you’re going to make it Belle. If it can happen for me, it can happen for you. Just fight it girl – fight. It doesn’t matter where you came from Belle, it’s what you know now that matters. And you can help so many Belle. Fuck it, a nurse saves lives every day. I mean, think about it, me a feral kid from the Gans, now partner- well temporary partner to a Chief Superintendent, Okay the hoods on the Gans call me the ‘hot crack bitch’, but that’s a compliment Belle, a fucking compliment. So you can do it.

Sorry I had to hurry the phone call yesterday, but things are really happening fast. I mean I’ve only been working for the Chief for two days and already he’s on my case. I couldn’t help throwing up at the crime scene. Honest to God, if you could have seen that poor girl’s body on the beach, the cuts, the snake bites and those fucking dead snake skins. And then at the Morgue, seeing her face pulled back over her skull was just too much, I felt myself going; I think I grabbed at the Chief as I hit the ground, and took him down with me. God it was awful Belle; we rolled on the floor, and then I vomited all over his suit – had all my chocolate fudge bar back. He dragged me out and got some overalls and wellies for me and then made me go back in again. Christ. And that’s another thing; my boss thinks I learnt to talk in the sewer. But, he knows I can’t help it and I am working on it. It’s fucking hard Belle, I mean it’s like I’ve got Tourette’s disease you know. What else can he expect? I was brought up in the Gan’s well dragged up really. You know what it’s like, a feral kid in the tenements.

Yeah, when I think of it Belle – Diamond Joe, a killer, Head of the Scorpions in the Hood, he was a like the father I never had – a real dad. People don’t realize how soft he can be. I’ll never forget the day he saved me, killed the John, who'd just carved slashed up my mum and was just going to ... well you know. Diamond Joe lifted me off my mum’s body; I mean I was only four years old, covered in blood, her blood, and he got it all over himself too, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was saving a prostitute’s kid. Mum was only a kid herself really. But, he saved me from the nonces and he didn’t want the filth to have me either, being put in some home – no mum – no dad – just forgotten. I can feel the tears right now you know – fuck it.

I’m just glad I was there for you all those years ago, I mean I was a rookie at the time, but thank God I found you. I mean that beast must have been over fifty and you – only ten. Diamond Joe killed him you know. Never told you that before but the way things are now it’s best I tell you. The beast never made it to court. Funny really, I started off as a runner for the gangs, dripping in drugs and here I am DS Mistral Dunwood.

I think God decided to give me a break. But, he’s always been there for me really. When I think of Paddy, the social worker persuading Diamond Joe himself, to give me up; I mean that was a big thing for our Diamond to do. I was his best runner, knew all the drugs, all the scenes, all the crack joints, but he had a heart; he gave me up. You know I look upon Paddy as my step dad now yet Diamond Joe will always be Dad to me. And you know they both came to the Police ceremony, when I was commended – me – commended for bravery. I was shitting my pants at the time, taking that guy down. He wouldn’t let go of the kid said he was going to cut her throat. It reminded me of when I found you Belle and me really.

You know writing about it, I actually love Paddy and Joan his wife. But then no-one can ever take the place of my Mum. She was only thirteen when she had me. If it wasn’t for Paddy taking me in, putting me through school and college, I would never have made it Belle.

And the same will happen for you Belle, God’s gunning for you right now. Just grit your teeth, study and carry on. You’re going to make a good nurse because you care, you’ve been there, had the pain, know what it’s all about. So keep your chin up. You’ll make it.

Getting back to the subject, have you heard of any snakes on the Gans, with all those tenements they could be anywhere. Tell the guys the ’hot crack bitch’ would like some tip offs.

See ya.

Love and hugs


Thanks for stopping in today...check back later for my review on the book and  for more on the book and Katy check out her author page.
 Katy Walters author page


  1. Thanks for the post.Misty Dunwood sounds like she's come a long way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Laurie, Thank you so much for your comment. Best wishes, Katy.
